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Expodental Meeting 2022
09/06/22 Rimini, Italy
Event Recap | Expodental Meeting 2022 - HeyGears’ First Trade Show in the EU in 2022
From the 19th to the 21st of May, HeyGears exhibited at Expodental Meeting in Rimini, Italy. The event marks HeyGears' first appearance at a European trade show in 2022. For three days, leading experts from around the world came together to discuss the latest topics in the field of dentistry. It was an excellent opportunity to meet customers from across Italy and the rest of Europe. Attendees were able to see our latest UltraCraft ChairSide, ChairSide Pro, AirWash, AirCure, and A2D on full display.
Expodental Meeting is an annual trade show held in Rimini, Italy. Attendance in recent years has been low as a direct result of COVID-19. Event organizers announced this year's attendance surpassed last year's by 33%, showing incredible growth in such a short time and proving to be excellent news for the dental industry. Over 15,000 attendees viewed 250+ exhibits spread across the convention floor to learn about dentistry's latest and greatest products.
More than 300 attendees came to view our booth, where they were particularly interested in our ChairSide and ChairSide Pro. Quick and convenient 3D printing is becoming incredibly popular worldwide. Compared to traditional printing methods, our chairside printers lead the way in hardware technology, software technology, and printing speeds. Our unique CapsulePrint technology was a central talking point amongst attendees. Many thought it was a very efficient approach to refilling 3D printers with their material and were surprised by the zero contact with the resin required from print to wash. Booth visitors were also impressed by the quality of our dental models on display. Our 3D printers use quality materials for printing durable and long-lasting models.
Expodental Meeting 2022 was a fantastic trade show filled with some of the brightest minds in the dental industry. We look forward to attending more trade shows later this year and eagerly await Expodental Meeting 2023.
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Learn more about our UltraCraft series products here: ChairSide, ChairSide Pro, AirCure, AirWash, A2D