Challenges of the Traditional Process
  • Time-consuming
  • High maintenance cost
  • Potentially dangerous process of cutting & grinding gypsum material


  • Gypsum model casting process

  • Drill and position the pins on the relative dies, align model with articulator

    2h 20min
  • Separate the Dies From the Model & Trim the Edges

  • Scan the Gypsum Model & Dies, design restoration products based on the scan

  • Manufacture the designed files with CAM

  • Color the crowns and sinter

    4h 20min

Gypsum model casting process



Drill and position the pins on the relative dies, align model with articulator


2h 20min

Separate the Dies From the Model & Trim the Edges



Scan the Gypsum Model & Dies, design restoration products based on the scan



Manufacture the designed files with CAM



Color the crowns and sinter


4h 20min

Total time: 8.5h

HeyGears' scanning solution without model separation

  • Gypsum model casting

  • Filter and select the models compatible for the process with the fixtures provided by HeyGears, then trim the dies

  • Scan the trimmed model and make sure edges are clear to be seen

  • Design restoration products based on the scan

  • Manufacture the designed files with CAM


    Pre-process the model with Streamflow and assign jobs to printer

  • Color the crowns and sinter

    4h 20min

    Print and post-process accordingly


Gypsum model casting

time 1h

Filter and select the models compatible for the process with the fixtures provided by HeyGears, then trim the dies

time 5min

Scan the trimmed model and make sure edges are clear to be seen

time 5min

Design restoration products based on the scan

time 15min

Manufacture the designed files with CAM

time 20min

Pre-process the model with Streamflow and assign jobs to printer

time 2min

Color the crowns and sinter

time 4h 20min

Print and post-process accordingly

time 1h
Total time: 6h

The new process saves over 30% of the time used compared to the traditional method.

Model Filtering

A 3D printer must have more than two cameras with a significant perspective disparity to capture the fine details between adjacent teeth and maximize production efficiency when scanning unseparated models.

How to Quickly Tell if You Can Scan a Full Model

Based on 3D scanning principles, HeyGears develops fixtures with different insert angles to simulate the optical pathways of the scanner. Users can quickly identify if the model is scannable or not before the scanning process begins.

Model Filtering

Fixture used for filtering

The Accuracy of the Scanned Unseparated Models Versus Gypsum Cast Models

Most dentists base their judgment of crown placement on the fitting with adjacent teeth. Labs use articulating paper of different thicknesses during QC. The optimal gap between adjacent teeth is 0.03mm. Below are the comparisons between the unseparated gypsum and a 3D printed model after a scan.

3D printed models & gypsum printed models are identical after being made in optimal printing environments.

case1 Max deviation: 0.017 mm

case2 Max deviation: 0.02

case3 Almost no deviation

Model Filtering


Max deviation: 0.017 mm

Crown Fitting Results Between a Printed Unseparated Model and Gypsum Cast Model

The calibration of scanners and 3D printers and the cleaning of the optical pathways of the printers are vital to creating accurate models. Due to the gypsums nature of not being abrasion-resistant, the crown fitting on the gypsum models is looser than that of 3D printed models. As a result, the QC standard must be adjusted accordingly with a new digital production process.

  • Crown fitting on printed unseparated model
  • Crown fitting on gypsum cast model
  • CASE 1

  • CASE 2

  • CASE 3

Advantages of the scanning
without model separation

  • No need to separate the dies or align them on the articulator
  • It takes 30% less time when model printing
  • CAM & sintering processes can operate at the same time
  • Use of abrasion-resistant material
  • The digital process reduces human dependency and management cost

Advantages of the scanning
without model separation

  • No need to separate the dies or align them on the articulator
  • It takes 30% less time when model printing
  • CAM & sintering processes can operate at the same time
  • Use of abrasion-resistant material
  • The digital process reduces human dependency and management cost

Compatible Machines & Materials

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