What is digital texturing?

Digital texturing is a technique to enhance product surface quality by creating digital micro-imprints and producing the textures directly using 3D printing. The patterned imprints can be generated within a virtual design environment with high design freedom, creating surface textures such as leather, wood, stone, and woven fiber; the choices are endless.

The added value brought by digital texturing.

In the traditional injection molding manufacturing process, similar texturing can be achieved by controlled chemical corrosion of the mold, which is a rather complex and non-environmental-friendly process. However, digital texturing can be applied to the final product with no additional procedure, reducing both cost and waste while increasing product value at the same time.

Digital texturing
Traditional texturing

The application of digital texturing can enhance product surface quality and reduce the time for post-processing. Certain printing defects can be eliminated using these patterned micro-imprints.

How to apply in product design?

HeyGears offers a texture library for our customers to choose from. Our design team provides ten texture variation updates based on the product design trend on an annual basis. We also provide instructions and assistance in generating more customized texturing options for customers with specific texture demands. Our consultancy service also helps guide the digital texturing process for optimal aesthetic appearance and printability of the parts.

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