2023 ORG Conference & Expo

March 31 - April 1, 2023

The Orthodontic Resource Group (ORG) was formed in 2019 and is the largest association of orthodontic laboratory professionals in the world. The ORG was the first and only Ortho lab specific association in the world! Since then, the ORG has been bringing experienced and highly interactive labs, technicians, and doctors together to discuss strategies and issues in the dental laboratory industry. 


ORG is hosting their annual Ortho Lab Conference alongside the Dental Laboratory Association of Texas. It will be TWO full days of dedicated ortho lab education!



Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport Marriott

8440 Freeport Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063

HeyGears Booth #148


Registration Details:

Non-ORG members: $400 per attendee

ORG members: $300 per attendee




To register for the 2023 ORG Conference & Expo, click here.

We'll see you there!


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