Feburary 23, 2023 (CHICAGO, IL, USA)

The Cal-Lab Association was founded in 1926 and is the oldest dental laboratory organization with over 200 labs as members. Every year, Cal-Lab members gather for an annual conference to share insights about the dental laboratory industry’s new direction.

Cal-Lab Meeting is an annual MEMBERS ONLY event where cutting-edge technology, trends, and products are introduced. To attend the meeting, you must be a registered member and dues must be paid each year. Here are some benefits for Cal-Lab Association members:
  •      Networking with dental professionals and others in the dental industry
  •      Industry discounts
  •      Membership directory
  •      Open discussion setting for products, techniques, and problems
  •      High-quality Continuing Education opportunities

Find us at Cal-Lab 97th Annual Meeting at the Westin on Michigan Ave in Chicago, Table #48.

See you there!


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